Monday, December 3, 2007

Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories

I haven't added any journal prompts in such a long time (hangs head guiltily). However, Thomas and Jasia put their heads together and came up with an Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories for other genealogy bloggers that is just perfect for journaling your own Christmas memories. I invite you to click on either link above (it's the same list) to read the list of 24 blogging prompts which can be used for your journal. There's one for each day from December 1st through the 24th. It's not too late to start; I haven't blogged anything so far, but will jump in as time allows.

If you'd like to read others' memories, click here to see Thomas' introduction to each day's theme with links to bloggers' posts. I've noticed that by reading these posts, I've been reminded in more detail of some of my own Christmas memories.

P.S. If you don't celebrate Christmas, you can alter these prompts to reflect your own religion's winter holiday memories.

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